SoftSec Lab CCF推荐期刊和会议2022版(原版地址)(2024.08.12更新)

会议目录 ⇑⇑
计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统 A类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. PPoPP  ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles & Practice of Parallel Programming  ACM  网址
  2. FAST  USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies  USENIX  网址
  3. DAC  Design Automation Conference  ACM  网址
  4. HPCA  IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture  IEEE  网址
  5. MICRO  IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture  IEEE/ACM  网址
  6. SC  International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis  IEEE/ACM  网址
  7. ASPLOS  International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems  ACM  网址
  8. ISCA  International Symposium on Computer Architecture  ACM/IEEE  网址
  9. USENIX ATC  USENIX Annual Technical Conference  USENIX  网址
  10. EuroSys  European Conference on Computer Systems  ACM  网址
计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统 B类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. SoCC  ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing  ACM  网址
  2. SPAA  ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures  ACM  网址
  3. PODC  ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing  ACM  网址
  4. FPGA  ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays  ACM  网址
  5. CGO  The International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization  IEEE/ACM  网址
  6. DATE  Design, Automation & Test in Europe  IEEE/ACM  网址
  7. HOT CHIPS  Hot Chips: A Symposium on High Performance Chips  IEEE  网址
  8. CLUSTER  IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing  IEEE  网址
  9. ICCD  International Conference on Computer Design  IEEE  网址
  10. ICCAD  International Conference on Computer-Aided Design  IEEE/ACM  网址
  11. ICDCS  IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems  IEEE  网址
  12. CODES+ISSS  International Conference on Hardware/Software Co-design and System Synthesis  ACM/IEEE  网址
  13. HiPEAC  International Conference on High Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers  ACM  网址
  14. SIGMETRICS  International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems  ACM  网址
  15. PACT  International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques  IEEE/ACM  网址
  16. ICPP  International Conference on Parallel Processing  ACM  网址
  17. ICS  International Conference on Supercomputing  ACM  网址
  18. VEE  International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments  ACM  网址
  19. IPDPS  IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium  IEEE  网址
  20. Performance  International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation  ACM  网址
  21. HPDC  The International ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing  IEEE  网址
  22. ITC  International Test Conference  IEEE  网址
  23. LISA  Large Installation System Administration Conference  USENIX  网址
  24. MSST  Mass Storage Systems and Technologies  IEEE  网址
  25. RTAS  IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium  IEEE  网址
  26. Euro-Par  European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing  Springer  网址
计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统 C类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. CF  ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers  ACM  网址
  2. SYSTOR  ACM International Systems and Storage Conference  ACM  网址
  3. NOCS  ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip  ACM/IEEE  网址
  4. ASAP  IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors  IEEE  网址
  5. ASP-DAC  Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference  ACM/IEEE  网址
  6. ETS  IEEE European Test Symposium  IEEE  网址
  7. FPL  International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications  IEEE  网址
  8. FCCM  IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines  IEEE  网址
  9. GLSVLSI  Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI  ACM/IEEE  网址
  10. ATS  IEEE Asian Test Symposium  IEEE  网址
  11. HPCC  IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications  IEEE  网址
  12. HiPC  IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics  IEEE/ACM  网址
  13. MASCOTS  International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems  IEEE  网址
  14. ISPA  IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications  IEEE  网址
  15. CCGRID  IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing  ACM/IEEE  网址
  16. NPC  IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing  Springer  网址
  17. ICA3PP  International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing  IEEE  网址
  18. CASES  International Conference on Compilers, Architectures, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems  ACM  网址
  19. FPT  International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology  IEEE  网址
  20. ICPADS  International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems  IEEE  网址
  21. ISCAS  IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems  IEEE  网址
  22. ISLPED  International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design  ACM/IEEE  网址
  23. ISPD  International Symposium on Physical Design  ACM  网址
  24. HOTI  IEEE Symposium on High-Performance Interconnects  IEEE  网址
  25. VTS  IEEE VLSI Test Symposium  IEEE  网址
  26. ITC-Asia  International Test Conference in Asia  IEEE  网址
计算机网络 A类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. SIGCOMM  ACM International Conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communication  ACM  网址
  2. MobiCom  ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking  ACM  网址
  3. INFOCOM  IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications  IEEE  网址
  4. NSDI  Symposium on Network System Design and Implementation  USENIX  网址
计算机网络 B类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. SenSys  ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems  ACM  网址
  2. CoNEXT  ACM International Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies  ACM  网址
  3. SECON  IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking  IEEE  网址
  4. IPSN  International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks  IEEE/ACM  网址
  5. MobiSys  ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services  ACM  网址
  6. ICNP  IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols  IEEE  网址
  7. MobiHoc  International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing  ACM/IEEE  网址
  8. NOSSDAV  International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video  ACM  网址
  9. IWQoS  IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Quality of Service  IEEE  网址
  10. IMC  ACM Internet Measurement Conference  ACM/USENIX  网址
计算机网络 C类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. ANCS  ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communication Systems  ACM/IEEE  网址
  2. APNOMS  Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium  IFIP/IEEE  网址
  3. FORTE  International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems  Springer  网址
  4. LCN  IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks  IEEE  网址
  5. GLOBECOM  IEEE Global Communications Conference  IEEE  网址
  6. ICC  IEEE International Conference on Communications  IEEE  网址
  7. ICCCN  IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks  IEEE  网址
  8. MASS  IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems  IEEE  网址
  9. P2P  IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing  IEEE  网址
  10. IPCCC  IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference  IEEE  网址
  11. WoWMoM  IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks  IEEE  网址
  12. ISCC  IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications  IEEE  网址
  13. WCNC  IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference  IEEE  网址
  14. Networking  IFIP International Conferences on Networking  IFIP  网址
  15. IM  IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management  IFIP/IEEE  网址
  16. MSN  International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking  IEEE  网址
  17. MSWiM  International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems  ACM  网址
  18. WASA  The International Conference on Wireless Artificial Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications  Springer  网址
  19. HotNets  ACM The Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks  ACM  网址
  20. APNet  Asia-Pacific Workshop on Networking  ACM  网址
网络与信息安全 A类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. CCS  ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security  ACM  网址
  2. EUROCRYPT  International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques  Springer  网址
  3. S&P  IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy  IEEE  网址
  4. CRYPTO  International Cryptology Conference  Springer  网址
  5. USENIX Security  USENIX Security Symposium  USENIX  网址
  6. NDSS  Network and Distributed System Security Symposium  ISOC  网址
网络与信息安全 B类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. ACSAC  Annual Computer Security Applications Conference  IEEE  网址
  2. ASIACRYPT  Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security  Springer  网址
  3. ESORICS  European Symposium on Research in Computer Security  Springer  网址
  4. FSE  Fast Software Encryption  Springer  网址
  5. CSFW  IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop  IEEE  网址
  6. SRDS  IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems  IEEE  网址
  7. CHES  International Conference on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems  Springer  网址
  8. DSN  International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks  IEEE/IFIP  网址
  9. RAID  International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection  Springer  网址
  10. PKC  International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography  Springer  网址
  11. TCC  Theory of Cryptography Conference  Springer  网址
网络与信息安全 C类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. WiSec  ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks  ACM  网址
  2. SACMAT  ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies  ACM  网址
  3. DRM  ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management  ACM  网址
  4. IH&MMSec  ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security  ACM  网址
  5. ACNS  International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security  Springer  网址
  6. AsiaCCS  ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security  ACM  网址
  7. ACISP  Australasia Conference on Information Security and Privacy  Springer  网址
  8. CT-RSA  The Cryptographer's Track at RSA Conference  Springer  网址
  9. DIMVA  Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment  Springer  网址
  10. DFRWS  Digital Forensic Research Workshop  Elsevier  网址
  11. FC  Financial Cryptography and Data Security  Springer  网址
  12. TrustCom  IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications  IEEE  网址
  13. SEC  IFIP International Information Security Conference  Springer  网址
  14. IFIP WG 11.9  IFIP Working Group 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics  Springer  网址
  15. ISC  Information Security Conference  Springer  网址
  16. ICDF2C  International Conference on Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime  Springer  网址
  17. ICICS  International Conference on Information and Communications Security  Springer  网址
  18. SecureComm  International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks  ACM  网址
  19. NSPW  New Security Paradigms Workshop  ACM  网址
  20. PAM  Passive and Active Measurement Conference  Springer  网址
  21. PETS  Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium  Springer  网址
  22. SAC  Selected Areas in Cryptography  Springer  网址
  23. SOUPS  Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security  USENIX  网址
  24. EuroS&P  IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy  IEEE  网址
  25. Inscrypt  International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology  Springer  网址
软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 A类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. PLDI  ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation  ACM  网址
  2. POPL  ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages  ACM  网址
  3. FSE/ESEC  ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering  ACM  网址
  4. SOSP  ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles  ACM  网址
  5. OOPSLA  Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications  ACM  网址
  6. ASE  International Conference on Automated Software Engineering  IEEE/ACM  网址
  7. ICSE  International Conference on Software Engineering  ACM/IEEE  网址
  8. ISSTA  International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis  ACM  网址
  9. OSDI  USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation  USENIX  网址
  10. FM  International Symposium on Formal Methods  FME  网址
软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. ECOOP  European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming  AITO  网址
  2. ETAPS  European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software  Springer  网址
  3. ICPC  IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension  IEEE  网址
  4. RE  IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference  IEEE  网址
  5. CAiSE  International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering  Springer  网址
  6. ICFP  ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Function Programming  ACM  网址
  7. LCTES  ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED International Conference on Languages, Compilers and Tools for Embedded Systems  ACM  网址
  8. MoDELS  ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems  ACM/IEEE  网址
  9. CP  International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming  Springer  网址
  10. ICSOC  International Conference on Service Oriented Computing  Springer  网址
  11. SANER  IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering  IEEE  网址
  12. ICSME  International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution  IEEE  网址
  13. VMCAI  International Conference on Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation  Springer  网址
  14. ICWS  IEEE International Conference on Web Services  IEEE  网址
  15. Middleware  International Middleware Conference  ACM/IFIP/USENIX  网址
  16. SAS  International Static Analysis Symposium  Springer  网址
  17. ESEM  International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement  ACM/IEEE  网址
  18. ISSRE  IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering  IEEE  网址
  19. HotOS  USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems  USENIX  网址
软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. PEPM  ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation  ACM  网址
  2. PASTE  ACMSIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering  ACM  网址
  3. APLAS  Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems  Springer  网址
  4. APSEC  Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference  IEEE  网址
  5. EASE  International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering  ACM  网址
  6. ICECCS  International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems  IEEE  网址
  7. ICST  IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation  IEEE  网址
  8. ISPASS  IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software  IEEE  网址
  9. SCAM  IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation  IEEE  网址
  10. COMPSAC  International Computer Software and Applications Conference  IEEE  网址
  11. ICFEM  International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods  Springer  网址
  12. SSE  IEEE International Conference on Software Services Engineering  IEEE  网址
  13. ICSSP  International Conference on Software and System Process  ACM  网址
  14. SEKE  International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering  KSI  网址
  15. QRS  International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security  IEEE  网址
  16. ICSR  International Conference on Software Reuse  Springer  网址
  17. ICWE  International Conference on Web Engineering  Springer  网址
  18. SPIN  International Symposium on Model Checking of Software  Springer  网址
  19. ATVA  International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis  Springer  网址
  20. LOPSTR  International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation  Springer  网址
  21. TASE  Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering Conference  IEEE  网址
  22. MSR  Mining Software Repositories  IEEE/ACM  网址
  23. REFSQ  Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality  Springer  网址
  24. WICSA  Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture  IEEE  网址
  25. Internetware  Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware  ACM  网址
  26. RV  International Conference on Runtime Verification  Springer  网址
数据库/数据挖掘/内容检索 A类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. SIGMOD  ACM SIGMOD Conference  ACM  网址
  2. SIGKDD  ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining  ACM  网址
  3. ICDE  IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering  IEEE  网址
  4. SIGIR  International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval  ACM  网址
  5. VLDB  International Conference on Very Large Data Bases  Morgan Kaufmann/ACM  网址
数据库/数据挖掘/内容检索 B类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. CIKM  ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management  ACM  网址
  2. WSDM  ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining  ACM  网址
  3. PODS  ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database Systems  ACM  网址
  4. DASFAA  International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications  Springer  网址
  5. ECML-PKDD  European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases  Springer  ECML网址PKDD网址
  6. ISWC  IEEE International Semantic Web Conference  IEEE  网址
  7. ICDM  IEEE International Conference on Data Mining  IEEE  网址
  8. ICDT  International Conference on Database Theory  Springer  网址
  9. EDBT  International Conference on Extending Database Technology  Springer  网址
  10. CIDR  Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research  Online Proceeding  网址
  11. SDM  SIAM International Conference on Data Mining  SIAM  网址
  12. RecSys  ACM Conference on Recommender Systems  ACM  网址
数据库/数据挖掘/内容检索 C类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. APWeb  Asia Pacific Web Conference  Springer  网址
  2. DEXA  International Conference on Database and Expert System Applications  Springer  网址
  3. ECIR  European Conference on Information Retrieval  Springer  网址
  4. ESWC  Extended Semantic Web Conference  Springer  网址
  5. WebDB  International Workshop on Web and Databases  ACM  网址
  6. ER  International Conference on Conceptual Modeling  Springer  网址
  7. MDM  International Conference on Mobile Data Management  IEEE  网址
  8. SSDBM  International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management  IEEE  网址
  9. WAIM  International Conference on Web Age Information Management  Springer  网址
  10. SSTD  International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases  Springer  网址
  11. PAKDD  Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining  Springer  网址
  12. WISE  Web Information Systems Engineering  Springer  网址
  13. ADMA  International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications  Springer  网址
计算机科学理论 A类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. STOC  ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing  ACM  网址
  2. SODA  ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms  SIAM  网址
  3. CAV  International Conference on Computer Aided Verification  Springer  网址
  4. FOCS  IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science  IEEE  网址
  5. LICS  ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science  IEEE  网址
计算机科学理论 B类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. SoCG  International Symposium on Computational Geometry  ACM  网址
  2. ESA  European Symposium on Algorithms  Springer  网址
  3. CCC  Conference on Computational Complexity  IEEE  网址
  4. ICALP  International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming  Springer  网址
  5. CADE  International Conference on Automated Deduction/International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning  Springer  网址
  6. CONCUR  International Conference on Concurrency Theory  Springer  网址
  7. HSCC  International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control  Springer/ACM  网址
  8. SAT  International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing  Springer  网址
  9. COCOON  International Computing and Combinatorics Conference  Springer  网址
计算机科学理论 C类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. CSL  Computer Science Logic  Springer  网址
  2. FMCAD  Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design  ACM  网址
  3. FSTTCS  Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science  Indian Association for Research in Computing Science  网址
  4. DSAA  IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics  IEEE  网址
  5. ICTAC  International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing  Springer  网址
  6. IPCO  International Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization  Springer  网址
  7. RTA  International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications  Springer  网址
  8. ISAAC  International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation  Springer  网址
  9. MFCS  International Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science  Springer  网址
  10. STACS  Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science  Springer  网址
  11. SETTA  International Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools, and Applications  Springer  网址
计算机图形学与多媒体 A类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. ACM MM  ACM International Conference on Multimedia  ACM  网址
  2. SIGGRAPH  ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics  ACM  网址
  3. VR  IEEE Virtual Reality  IEEE  网址
  4. IEEE VIS  IEEE Visualization Conference  IEEE  网址
计算机图形学与多媒体 B类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. ICMR  ACM SIGMM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval  ACM  网址
  2. I3D  ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games  ACM  网址
  3. SCA  ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation  ACM  网址
  4. DCC  Data Compression Conference  IEEE  网址
  5. Eurographics  Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics  Wiley/Blackwell  网址
  6. EuroVis  Eurographics Conference on Visualization  ACM  网址
  7. SGP  Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing  Wiley/Blackwell  网址
  8. EGSR  Eurographics Symposium on Rendering  Wiley/Blackwell  网址
  9. ICASSP  IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing  IEEE  网址
  10. ICME  IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo  IEEE  网址
  11. ISMAR  International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality  IEEE/ACM  网址
  12. PG  Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications  Wiley/Blackwell  网址
  13. SPM  Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling  SMA/Elsevier  网址
计算机图形学与多媒体 C类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. VRST  ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology  ACM  网址
  2. CASA  International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents  Wiley  网址
  3. CGI  Computer Graphics International  Springer  网址
  4. INTERSPEECH  Conference of the International Speech Communication Association  ISCA  网址
  5. GMP  Geometric Modeling and Processing  Elsevier  网址
  6. PacificVis  IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium  IEEE  网址
  7. 3DV  International Conference on 3D Vision  IEEE  网址
  8. CAD/Graphics  International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics  IEEE  网址
  9. ICIP  IEEE International Conference on Image Processing  IEEE  网址
  10. MMM  International Conference on Multimedia Modeling  Springer  网址
  11. MMAsia  ACM Multimedia Asia  ACM  网址
  12. SMI  Shape Modeling International  IEEE  网址
  13. ICVRV  International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization  IEEE  网址
  14. CVM  Computational Visual Media  Tsinghua University  网址
  15. PRCV  Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (中国模式识别与计算机视觉大会)  Springer  网址
人工智能 A类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. AAAI  AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence  AAAI  网址
  2. NeurIPS  Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems  MIT Press  网址
  3. ACL  Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics  ACL  网址
  4. CVPR  IEEE/CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference  IEEE  网址
  5. ICCV  International Conference on Computer Vision  IEEE  网址
  6. ICML  International Conference on Machine Learning  ACM  网址
  7. IJCAI  International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence  Morgan Kaufmann  网址
人工智能 B类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. COLT  Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory  Springer  网址
  2. EMNLP  Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing  ACL  网址
  3. ECAI  European Conference on Artificial Intelligence  IOS Press  网址
  4. ECCV  European Conference on Computer Vision  Springer  网址
  5. ICRA  IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation  IEEE  网址
  6. ICAPS  International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling  AAAI  网址
  7. ICCBR  International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning  Springer  网址
  8. COLING  International Conference on Computational Linguistics  International Committee on Computational Linguistics  网址
  9. KR  International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning  Morgan Kaufmann  网址
  10. UAI  Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence  AUAI  网址
  11. AAMAS  International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems  Springer  网址
  12. PPSN  Parallel Problem Solving from Nature  Springer  网址
  13. NAACL  North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics  Association for Computational Linguistics  网址
人工智能 C类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. AISTATS  International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics  JMLR  网址
  2. ACCV  Asian Conference on Computer Vision  Springer  网址
  3. ACML  Asian Conference on Machine Learning  JMLR  网址
  4. BMVC  British Machine Vision Conference  British Machine Vision Association  网址
  5. NLPCC  CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing  Springer  网址
  6. CoNLL  Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning  Association for Computational Linguistics  网址
  7. GECCO  Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference  ACM  网址
  8. ICTAI  IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence  IEEE  网址
  9. IROS  IEEE\RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  IEEE  网址
  10. ALT  International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory  Springer  网址
  11. ICANN  International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks  Springer  网址
  12. FG  IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition  IEEE  网址
  13. ICDAR  International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition  IEEE  网址
  14. ILP  International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming  Springer  网址
  15. KSEM  International conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management  Springer  网址
  16. ICONIP  International Conference on Neural Information Processing  Springer  网址
  17. ICPR  International Conference on Pattern Recognition  IEEE  网址
  18. IJCB  International Joint Conference on Biometrics  IEEE  网址
  19. IJCNN  International Joint Conference on Neural Networks  IEEE  网址
  20. PRICAI  Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence  Springer  网址
人机交互与普适计算 A类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. CSCW  ACM Conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing  ACM  网址
  2. CHI  ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems  ACM  网址
  3. UbiComp  ACM international joint conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing  ACM  网址
  4. UIST  ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology  ACM  网址
人机交互与普适计算 B类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. GROUP  ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work  ACM  网址
  2. IUI  ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces  ACM  网址
  3. ISS  ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces  ACM  网址
  4. ECSCW  European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work  Springer  网址
  5. PERCOM  IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications  IEEE  网址
  6. MobileHCI  ACM International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction  ACM  网址
  7. ICWSM  The International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media  AAAI  网址
人机交互与普适计算 C类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. DIS  ACM SIGCHI Conference on Designing Interactive Systems  ACM  网址
  2. ICMI  ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction  ACM  网址
  3. ASSETS  International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility  ACM  网址
  4. GI  Graphics Interface  ACM  网址
  5. UIC  IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing  IEEE  网址
  6. WHC  IEEE World Haptics Conference  IEEE  网址
  7. INTERACT  International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction of International Federation for Information Processing  IFIP  网址
  8. IDC  ACM Interaction Design and Children  ACM  网址
  9. CollaborateCom  International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing  Springer  网址
  10. CSCWD  International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design  Springer  网址
  11. CoopIS  International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems  Springer  网址
  12. MobiQuitous  International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services  Springer  网址
  13. AVI  International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces  ACM  网址
交叉/综合/新兴 A类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. WWW  International World Wide Web Conference  ACM  网址
  2. RTSS  IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium  IEEE  网址
  3. WINE  Workshop on Internet and Network Economics  Springer  网址
交叉/综合/新兴 B类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. CogSci  Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society  Psychology Press  网址
  2. BIBM  IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine  IEEE  网址
  3. EMSOFT  International Conference on Embedded Software  ACM/IEEE/IFIP  网址
  4. ISMB  International conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology  Oxford Journals  网址
  5. RECOMB  Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology  Springer  网址
  6. MICCAI  International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention  Springer  网址
交叉/综合/新兴 C类会议 ⇑⇑
  1. AMIA  American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium  AMIA  网址
  2. APBC  Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference  BioMed Central  网址
  3. IEEE BigData  IEEE International Conference on Big Data  IEEE  网址
  4. IEEE CLOUD  IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing  IEEE  网址
  5. SMC  IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics  IEEE  网址
  6. COSIT  International Conference on Spatial Information Theory  ACM  网址
  7. ISBRA  International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications  Springer  网址
  8. SAGT  International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory  Springer  网址
  9. SIGSPATIAL  ACM Special Interest Group on Spatial Information  ACM  网址
  10. ICIC  International Conference on Intelligent Computing  Springer-Nature  网址

期刊目录 ⇑⇑
计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统 A类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. TOCS  ACM Transactions on Computer Systems  ACM  网址
  2. TOS  ACM Transactions on Storage  ACM  网址
  3. TCAD  IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems  IEEE  网址
  4. TC  IEEE Transactions on Computers  IEEE  网址
  5. TPDS  IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems  IEEE  网址
  6. TACO  ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization  ACM  网址
计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统 B类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. TAAS  ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems  ACM  网址
  2. TODAES  ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems  ACM  网址
  3. TECS  ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems  ACM  网址
  4. TRETS  ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems  ACM  网址
  5. TVLSI  IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems  IEEE  网址
  6. JPDC  Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing  Elsevier  网址
  7. JSA  Journal of Systems Architecture: Embedded Software Design  Elsevier  网址
  8. PARCO  Parallel Computing  Elsevier  网址
  9. PEVA  Performance Evaluation: An International Journal  Elsevier  网址
计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统 C类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. JETC  ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems  ACM  网址
  2. CCPE  Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience  Wiley  网址
  3. DC  Distributed Computing  Springer  网址
  4. FGCS  Future Generation Computer Systems  Elsevier  网址
  5. TCC  IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing  IEEE  网址
  6. Integration  Integration, the VLSI Journal  Elsevier  网址
  7. JETTA  Journal of Electronic Testing-Theory and Applications  Springer  网址
  8. JGC  Journal of Grid computing  Springer  网址
  9. RTS  Real-Time Systems  Springer  网址
  10. TJSC  The Journal of Supercomputing  Springer  网址
  11. TCASI  IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers  IEEE  网址
  12. CCF-THPC  CCF Transactions on High Performance Computing  CCF  网址
  13. TSUSC  IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing  IEEE  网址
计算机网络 A类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. JSAC  IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications  IEEE  网址
  2. TMC  IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing  IEEE  网址
  3. TON  IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking  IEEE/ACM  网址
计算机网络 B类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. TOIT  ACM Transactions on Internet Technology  ACM  网址
  2. TOMM  ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications  ACM  网址
  3. TOSN  ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks  ACM  网址
  4. CN  Computer Networks  Elsevier  网址
  5. TCOM  IEEE Transactions on Communications  IEEE  网址
  6. TWC  IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications  IEEE  网址
计算机网络 C类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. ADHOC  Ad Hoc Networks  Elsevier  网址
  2. CC  Computer Communications  Elsevier  网址
  3. TNSM  IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management  IEEE  网址
  4. IET COMMUN  IET Communications  IET  网址
  5. JNCA  Journal of Network and Computer Applications  Elsevier  网址
  6. MONET  Mobile Networks and Applications  Springer  网址
  7. NETWORKS  Networks  Wiley  网址
  8. PPNA  Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications  Springer  网址
  9. WCMC  Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing  Wiley  网址
  10. WINE  Wireless Networks  Springer  网址
  11. IOT  IEEE Internet of Things Journal  IEEE  网址
网络与信息安全 A类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. TDSC  IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing  IEEE  网址
  2. TIFS  IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security  IEEE  网址
  3. JCRYPTOLOGY  Journal of Cryptology  Springer  网址
网络与信息安全 B类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. TOPS  ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security  ACM  网址
  2. COSE  Computers & Security  Elsevier  网址
  3. DESI  Designs, Codes and Cryptography  Springer  网址
  4. JCS  Journal of Computer Security  IOS Press  网址
网络与信息安全 C类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. CLSR  Computer Law & Security Review  Elsevier  网址
  2. EURASIP J INF SECUR  EURASIP Journal on Information Security  Springer  网址
  3. IET IFS  IET Information Security  IET  网址
  4. IMCS  Information and Computer Security  Emerald  网址
  5. IJICS  International Journal of Information and Computer Security  Inderscience  网址
  6. IJISP  International Journal of Information Security and Privacy  Idea Group Inc  网址
  7. JISA  Journal of Information Security and Applications  Elsevier  网址
  8. SCN  Security and Communication Networks  Wiley  网址
  9. CYBERSECURITY  Cybersecurity  Springer  网址
软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 A类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. TOPLAS  ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems  ACM  网址
  2. TOSEM  ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology  ACM  网址
  3. TSE  IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering  IEEE  网址
  4. TSC  IEEE Transactions on Services Computing  IEEE  网址
软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 B类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. ASE  Automated Software Engineering  Springer  网址
  2. ESE  Empirical Software Engineering  Springer  网址
  3. IETS  IET Software  IET  网址
  4. IST  Information and Software Technology  Elsevier  网址
  5. JFP  Journal of Functional Programming  Cambridge University Press  网址
  6. JSME  Journal of Software: Evolution and Process  Wiley  网址
  7. JSS  Journal of Systems and Software  Elsevier  网址
  8. RE  Requirements Engineering  Springer  网址
  9. SCP  Science of Computer Programming  Elsevier  网址
  10. SoSyM  Software and Systems Modeling  Springer  网址
  11. STVR  Software Testing, Verification and Reliability  Wiley  网址
  12. SPE  Software: Practice and Experience  Wiley  网址
软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言 C类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. CL  Computer Languages, Systems and Structures  Elsevier  网址
  2. IJSEKE  International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering  World Scientific  网址
  3. STTT  International Journal of Software Tools for Technology Transfer  Springer  网址
  4. JLAMP  Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming  Elsevier  网址
  5. JWE  Journal of Web Engineering  Rinton Press  网址
  6. SOCA  Service Oriented Computing and Applications  Springer  网址
  7. SQJ  Software Quality Journal  Springer  网址
  8. TPLP  Theory and Practice of Logic Programming  Cambridge University Press  网址
  9. PACM PL  Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages  ACM  网址
数据库/数据挖掘/内容检索 A类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. TODS  ACM Transactions on Database Systems  ACM  网址
  2. TOIS  ACM Transactions on Information Systems  ACM  网址
  3. TKDE  IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering  IEEE  网址
  4. VLDBJ  The VLDB Journal  Springer  网址
数据库/数据挖掘/内容检索 B类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. TKDD  ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data  ACM  网址
  2. TWEB  ACM Transactions on the Web  ACM  网址
  3. AEI  Advanced Engineering Informatics  Elsevier  网址
  4. DKE  Data & Knowledge Engineering  Elsevier  网址
  5. DMKD  Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery  Springer  网址
  6. EJIS  European Journal of Information Systems  Springer  网址
  7. GEIN  GeoInformatica  Springer  网址
  8. IPM  Information Processing and Management  Elsevier  网址
  9. INS  Information Sciences  Elsevier  网址
  10. IS  Information Systems  Elsevier  网址
  11. JASIST  Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology  Wiley  网址
  12. JWS  Journal of Web Semantics  Elsevier  网址
  13. KAIS  Knowledge and Information Systems  Springer  网址
数据库/数据挖掘/内容检索 C类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. DPD  Distributed and Parallel Databases  Springer  网址
  2. I&M  Information & Management  Elsevier  网址
  3. IPL  Information Processing Letters  Elsevier  网址
  4. IR  Information Retrieval Journal  Springer  网址
  5. IJCIS  International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems  World Scientific  网址
  6. IJGIS  International Journal of Geographical Information Science  Taylor & Francis  网址
  7. IJIS  International Journal of Intelligent Systems  Wiley  网址
  8. IJKM  International Journal of Knowledge Management  IGI  网址
  9. IJSWIS  International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems  IGI  网址
  10. JCIS  Journal of Computer Information Systems  IACIS  网址
  11. JDM  Journal of Database Management  IGI-Global  网址
  12. JGITM  Journal of Global Information Technology Management  Ivy League Publishing  网址
  13. JIIS  Journal of Intelligent Information Systems  Springer  网址
  14. JSIS  The Journal of Strategic Information Systems  Elsevier  网址
  15. DSE  Data Science and Engineering  CCF  网址
计算机科学理论 A类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. TIT  IEEE Transactions on Information Theory  IEEE  网址
  2. IANDC  Information and Computation  Elsevier  网址
  3. SICOMP  SIAM Journal on Computing  SIAM  网址
计算机科学理论 B类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. TALG  ACM Transactions on Algorithms  ACM  网址
  2. TOCL  ACM Transactions on Computational Logic  ACM  网址
  3. TOMS  ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software  ACM  网址
  4. Algorithmica  Algorithmica  Springer  网址
  5. CC  Computational Complexity  Springer  网址
  6. FAC  Formal Aspects of Computing  Springer  网址
  7. FMSD  Formal Methods in System Design  Springer  网址
  8. INFORMS  INFORMS Journal on Computing  INFORMS  网址
  9. JCSS  Journal of Computer and System Sciences  Elsevier  网址
  10. JGO  Journal of Global Optimization  Springer  网址
  11. JSC  Journal of Symbolic Computation  Elsevier  网址
  12. MSCS  Mathematical Structures in Computer Science  Cambridge University Press  网址
  13. TCS  Theoretical Computer Science  Elsevier  网址
计算机科学理论 C类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. ACTA  Acta Informatica  Springer  网址
  2. APAL  Annals of Pure and Applied Logic  Elsevier  网址
  3. DAM  Discrete Applied Mathematics  Elsevier  网址
  4. FUIN  Fundamenta Informaticae  IOS Press  网址
  5. IPL  Information Processing Letters  Elsevier  网址
  6. JCOMPLEXITY  Journal of Complexity  Elsevier  网址
  7. LOGCOM  Journal of Logic and Computation  Oxford University Press  网址
  8. JSL  The Journal of Symbolic Logic  Association for Symbolic Logic  网址
  9. LMCS  Logical Methods in Computer Science  LMCS  网址
  10. SIDMA  SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics  SIAM  网址
  11. TOCS  Theory of Computing Systems  Springer  网址
计算机图形学与多媒体 A类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. TOG  ACM Transactions on Graphics  ACM  网址
  2. TIP  IEEE Transactions on Image Processing  IEEE  网址
  3. TVCG  IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics  IEEE  网址
计算机图形学与多媒体 B类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. TOMM  ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications  ACM  网址
  2. CAGD  Computer Aided Geometric Design  Elsevier  网址
  3. CGF  Computer Graphics Forum  Wiley  网址
  4. CAD  Computer-Aided Design  Elsevier  网址
  5. GM  Graphical Models  Elsevier  网址
  6. TCSVT  IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology  IEEE  网址
  7. TMM  IEEE Transactions on Multimedia  IEEE  网址
  8. JASA  The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  AIP  网址
  9. SIIMS  SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences  SIAM  网址
  10. SPECOM  Speech Communication  Elsevier  网址
计算机图形学与多媒体 C类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. CGTA  Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications  Elsevier  网址
  2. CAVW  Computer Animation & Virtual Worlds  Wiley  网址
  3. C&G  Computers & Graphics  Elsevier  网址
  4. DCG  Discrete & Computational Geometry  Springer  网址
  5. SPL  IEEE Signal Processing Letters  IEEE  网址
  6. IET-IPR  IET Image Processing  IET  网址
  7. JVCIR  Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation  Elsevier  网址
  8. MS  Multimedia Systems  Springer  网址
  9. MTA  Multimedia Tools and Applications  Springer  网址
  10. SIGPRO  Signal Processing  Elsevier  网址
  11. IMAGE  Signal Processing: Image Communication  Elsevier  网址
  12. TVC  The Visual Computer  Springer  网址
  13. CVMJ  Computational Visual Media  Tsinghua University/Springer  网址
人工智能 A类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. AI  Artificial Intelligence  Elsevier  网址
  2. TPAMI  IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence  IEEE  网址
  3. IJCV  International Journal of Computer Vision  Springer  网址
  4. JMLR  Journal of Machine Learning Research  MIT Press  网址
人工智能 B类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. TAP  ACM Transactions on Applied Perception  ACM  网址
  2. AAMAS  Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems  Springer  网址
  3. COMPUT LINGUIST  Computational Linguistics  MIT Press  网址
  4. CVIU  Computer Vision and Image Understanding  Elsevier  网址
  5. DKE  Data & Knowledge Engineering  Elsevier  网址
  6. EVCO  Evolutionary Computation  MIT Press  网址
  7. TAC  IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing  IEEE  网址
  8. TASLP  IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing  IEEE  网址
  9. TCYB  IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics  IEEE  网址
  10. TEC  IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation  IEEE  网址
  11. TFS  IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems  IEEE  网址
  12. TNNLS  IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and learning systems  IEEE  网址
  13. IJAR  International Journal of Approximate Reasoning  Elsevier  网址
  14. JAIR  Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research  AAAI  网址
  15. JAR  Journal of Automated Reasoning  Springer  网址
  16. JSLHR  Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research  American Speech-Language Hearing Association  网址
  17. ML  Machine Learning  Springer  网址
  18. NECO  Neural Computation  MIT Press  网址
  19. NN  Neural Networks  Elsevier  网址
  20. PR  Pattern Recognition  Elsevier  网址
  21. TACL  Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics  The Association for Computational Linguistics  网址
人工智能 C类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. TALLIP  ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing  ACM  网址
  2. APIN  Applied Intelligence  Springer  网址
  3. AIM  Artificial Intelligence in Medicine  Elsevier  网址
  4. ALIFE  Artificial Life  MIT Press  网址
  5. CI  Computational Intelligence  Wiley  网址
  6. CSL  Computer Speech & Language  Elsevier  网址
  7. CONNECTION  Connection Science  Taylor & Francis  网址
  8. DSS  Decision Support Systems  Elsevier  网址
  9. EAAI  Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence  Elsevier  网址
  10. ES  Expert Systems  Blackwell/Wiley  网址
  11. ESWA  Expert Systems with Applications  Elsevier  网址
  12. FSS  Fuzzy Sets and Systems  Elsevier  网址
  13. TG  IEEE Transactions on Games  IEEE  网址
  14. IET-CVI  IET Computer Vision  IET  网址
  15. IET SPR  IET Signal Processing  IET  网址
  16. IVC  Image and Vision Computing  Elsevier  网址
  17. IDA  Intelligent Data Analysis  IOS Press  网址
  18. IJCIA  International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications  World Scientific  网址
  19. IJIS  International Journal of Intelligent Systems  Wiley  网址
  20. IJNS  International Journal of Neural Systems  World Scientific  网址
  21. IJPRAI  International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence  World Scientific  网址
  22. IJUFKS  International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems  World Scientific  网址
  23. IJDAR  International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition  Springer  网址
  24. JETAI  Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence  Taylor & Francis  网址
  25. KBS  Knowledge-Based Systems  Elsevier  网址
  26. MT  Machine Translation  Springer  网址
  27. MVA  Machine Vision and Applications  Springer  网址
  28. NC  Natural Computing  Springer  网址
  29. NLE  Natural Language Engineering  Cambridge University Press  网址
  30. NCA  Neural Computing and Applications  Springer  网址
  31. NPL  Neural Processing Letters  Springer  网址
  32. NEUCOM  Neurocomputing  Elsevier  网址
  33. PAA  Pattern Analysis and Applications  Springer  网址
  34. PRL  Pattern Recognition Letters  Elsevier  网址
  35. SOCO  Soft Computing  Springer  网址
  36. WI  Web Intelligence  IOS Press  网址
  37. TIIS  ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems  ACM  网址
人机交互与普适计算 A类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. TOCHI  ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction  ACM  网址
  2. IJHCS  International Journal of Human-Computer Studies  Elsevier  网址
人机交互与普适计算 B类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. CSCW  Computer Supported Cooperative Work  Springer  网址
  2. HCI  Human-Computer Interaction  Taylor & Francis  网址
  3. THMS  IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems  IEEE  网址
  4. IWC  Interacting with Computers  Oxford University Press  网址
  5. IJHCI  International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction  Taylor & Francis  网址
  6. UMUAI  User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction  Springer  网址
  7. TSMC  IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems  IEEE  网址
人机交互与普适计算 C类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. BIT  Behaviour & Information Technology  Taylor & Francis  网址
  2. PUC  Personal and Ubiquitous Computing  Springer  网址
  3. PMC  Pervasive and Mobile Computing  Elsevier  网址
  4. PACMHCI  Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  ACM  网址
交叉/综合/新兴 A类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. JACM  Journal of the ACM  ACM  网址
  2. Proc. IEEE  Proceedings of the IEEE  IEEE  网址
  3. SCIS  Science China Information Sciences  Science in China Press/Springer  网址
交叉/综合/新兴 B类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. Bioinformatics  Bioinformatics  Oxford University Press  网址
  2. BIB  Briefings in Bioinformatics  Oxford University Press  网址
  3. Cognition  Cognition  Elsevier  网址
  4. TASAE  IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering  IEEE  网址
  5. TGARS  IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing  IEEE  网址
  6. TITS  IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems  IEEE  网址
  7. TMI  IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging  IEEE  网址
  8. TR  IEEE Transactions on Robotics  IEEE  网址
  9. TCBB  IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics  IEEE/ACM  网址
  10. JCST  Journal of Computer Science and Technology  SCIENCE PRESS/Springer  网址
  11. JAMIA  Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association  BMJ Journals  网址
  12. PLOSCB  PLOS Computational Biology  Public Library of Science  网址
  13. CJ  The Computer Journal  Oxford University Press  网址
  14. WWW  World Wide Web  Springer  网址
  15. FCS  Frontiers of Computer Science  Higher Education Press  网址
交叉/综合/新兴 C类期刊 ⇑⇑
  1. BMCBI  BMC Bioinformatics  BioMed Central  网址
  2. CAS  Cybernetics and Systems  Taylor & Francis  网址
  3. LGRS  IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters  IEEE  网址
  4. JBHI  IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics  IEEE  网址
  5. TBD  IEEE Transactions on Big Data  IEEE  网址
  6. IET ITS  IET Intelligent Transport Systems  IET  网址
  7. JBI  Journal of Biomedical Informatics  Elsevier  网址
  8. MIA  Medical Image Analysis  Elsevier  网址
  9. TII  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics  IEEE  网址
  10. TCPS  ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems  ACM  网址
  11. TOCE  ACM Transactions on Computing Education  ACM  网址
  12. FITEE  Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  Springer  网址
  13. TCSS  IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems  IEEE  网址
  14. TR  IEEE Transactions on Reliability  IEEE  网址